2020 Ango: Cooking The Supreme Meal.
In today’s modern world, “2020” is synonymous with clear vision. A traditional way of generating clarity in our lives is participating in Ango. Ango is a traditional practice period where those engaged step up their practice for a period of time. Ango dates back to the time of the Buddha when the monastic community would stay in one place when the monsoon rains made traveling impossible.
For Open Mind Zen Naples’s first Ango, we will be studying Zen Master Eihei Dogen’s Tenzo Kyokun (Instructions to the Tenzo) through the lens of Roshi Bernie Glassman’s and Rick Fields Instructions to the Cook: A Zen Master’s Lessons in Living A Life That Matters. We each have our own life to cook and doing so with mindfulness and clarity will help us cook a life that is meaningful and joyful, while reducing stress, anxiety, and fear of the future.
Ango will begin on January 19th with the Sunday Dharma Talk and end on Wednesday, February 26th, with a closing circle for participants.
Everyone in the Ango will make the commitment to do the following together:
- Zazen: a minimum of 20 minutes per day of an increased amount of sitting that pushes the edge of our zazen comfort zone.
- Zazenkai: attend the 2 Ango zazenkai schedule for January 26th and February 9th. If schedules do not permit attendance, participants can create their own home zazenkai on a different weekend.
- Sangha: attend each regularly scheduled Sunday sitting and three Ango group meetings from 6-7:15 pm on January 22nd, February 12th, and February 26th. If schedules do not permit attendance at all three group meetings, another OMZN sangha event can be substituted. Dharma Talks for each Sunday will relate to different sections of Roshi Glassman’s book.
Daisan or practice interviews will be available for all Ango participants on each Sunday during the six week period. Daisan will be available for participants at various other times, if needed. The interviews will be an opportunity to privately discuss issues and insights that have arisen during the Ango.
The Ango will be free for formal OMZN students, $30 for OMZN members, and $60 for non-members. Please register on the Support Us page by making a donation and including a note that the payment is for the Ango.
Please include an email or phone number so that we can reach you should there be a schedule change.
Andy Hoseki Solis