239-595-9502 [email protected]

For ages, Zen Buddhist communities have survived on the dana, or generosity, of their practitioners.  Dana is the first of the 6 Paramitas (perfections) of Buddhism.  It is considered a vital part of the practice.  A paramita is a virtue that requires practice to cultivate.  We give openly to support the Dharma, but also to practice non-clinging.  Not only is this an important spiritual practice, it is impossible for the dharma to survive without your generosity.  Small gifts when gathered together change the world.

On this page, there are many ways to give.  Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time.
Suggested donation for membership is $60/month. This includes all Palmetto Zendo monthly meditation offerings. Members and students receive discounts on all meditation retreats/events.
For those wanting to make a deeper commitment to Zen practice, you may consider becoming a Zen student. Students will meet on a regular basis with Sensei Andy.  Please speak directly with Sensei Andy if you’re considering this option.
Suggested donation for Palmetto Zendo Students is $75/month.

Palmetto Zendo is registered as a tax exempt, 501(c)(3) non-profit religious organization with the State of Florida.
All donations to Palmetto Zendo are fully tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

Subscribe to the Palmetto Zendo Newsletter:

Make a one time donation of any amount here.

Subscribe as a Member of Palmetto Zendo, $60 per month for a year

Subscribe as a Palmetto Zendo Student, $75 per month for a year