239-595-9502 [email protected]

Ways to Practice at OMZ Naples

  1. Attend a class.
     Anyone is welcome to drop in to a yoga or meditation class. No pre-registration is required. We ask newcomers to arrive 15 minutes before class for an orientation. Suggested donation for meditation is $10. Yoga classes are individually priced.  We prefer cash donations, but if needed you can donate online or write a check.  
  2.  Become a member.
    If you feel a connection to OMZ and wish to meditate on a regular basis here, we welcome you to consider becoming a member. This is wonderful way to support our center and deepen your own practice.  Suggested donation for membership is $60/month. This includes all OMZ weekly meditation offerings. Membership does not include yoga classes. Members receive discounts on all meditation retreats/events.  To become a member, simply go to the “Donations” page and click on the appropriate Paypal button.
  3. Become a Zen student. 
     This is for those wanting to make a deeper commitment to Zen practice. This might arise out of a connection to our methods of practice, our community, and our teachers.  Students will meet on a regular basis with either Kido or Andy. Suggested donation for OMZ Students is $75/month.  To become a student of OMZ, please speak personally with Andy or Laurie.  The following guidelines apply:

                                  A minimum of 3 months of regular meditation practice at our center.

                                  Committed meditation practice, a minimum of 30 minutes daily.

                                    Study of Dharma books of your choosing or suggested by the teacher.

                                Regular participation in meetings and events at our center, including attendance of at least one retreat per year.

  1.  Become a Correspondence Student.   
    Many people would like to practice Zen yet  live in an area where there is no access to a teacher, or for various reasons don?t have the time or ability  to visit a meditation center. We understand this predicament and have created a system whereby one can  practice koan or other Zen study using Skype, a video conferencing program that anybody can  download for free. One can realize substantial progress provided there is a commitment to regularly  devote time and energy to meditation and interaction with a teacher. At Open Mind Zen, we can provide  personal support for your practice online, whether you are brand new to Zen, or are looking for a new  connection with a teacher.  This program can be supplemented with occasional visits to Florida for  workshops or retreats.

The requested donation for a Correspondence Student is $75 per month.  This includes a weekly 30  minute Skype appointment with Laurie, and unlimited email and text communication.  Contact us for  more information, or to arrange your first Skype appointment.  (No donation required for your first  appointment.)

When considering your options for practicing with us, please don’t let your financial situation be a determining factor. These are suggested donations. Consider what this is worth to you, and what you can afford to pay. We will never turn anyone away!