239-595-9502 [email protected]

Zazen, Sitting Meditation

Meditation is the core of Zen practice. Meditation deepens over time, and can be a lifetime pursuit.  Benefits can include increased awareness and concentration, a lessening of stress, and a greater sense of well-being. Walking meditation is offered in between sitting periods. We have both cushions and chairs for sitting.

Body Practice

The body is our gateway to the present moment.  Through practice, we can learn to fully inhabit, cherish, and enjoy this body. Yoga practice prepares the body for deep meditation. We offer a variety of styles of yoga, all taught by experienced and nurturing teachers.

Teacher Contact

Zen is a process of uncovering unconscious habits and ways of seeing our lives. A teacher can act as a mirror, encouraging and enabling us to see our blind spots. At OMZ, students have the opportunity of working closely with teachers one-on-one.  

Koan Practice

Koans are traditional stories or interactions between students and teachers, most of which come from the Golden Age of Zen in ancient China. Their purpose is to direct us toward realization of our True Self. Koans are paradoxical in nature. They encourage us to examine our reliance on the logical mind and open to more creative problem solving.

Bodhidharma, the Founder of Zen

Ways to Get Involved

Attend a class

Anyone is welcome to drop in to a yoga or meditation class. No pre-registration is required. We ask newcomers to arrive 15 minutes before class for an orientation. Suggested donation for meditation is $10. Yoga classes are individually priced.  We prefer cash donations, but if needed you can donate online or write a check.

Become a member

If you feel a connection to OMZ and wish to meditate on a regular basis here, we welcome you to consider becoming a member. This is wonderful way to support our center and deepen your own practice.  Suggested donation for membership is $60/month. This includes all OMZ weekly meditation offerings. Membership does not include yoga classes. Members receive discounts on all meditation retreats/events.  To become a member, simply go to the “Donations” page and click on the appropriate Paypal button.

Become a Zen student

This is for those wanting to make a deeper commitment to Zen practice. This might arise out of a connection to our methods of practice, our community, and our teachers.  Students will meet on a regular basis with either Kido or Andy. Suggested donation for OMZ Students is $75/month.  To become a student of OMZ, please speak personally with Andy or Laurie.  The following guidelines apply:

A minimum of 3 months of regular meditation practice at our center.

Committed meditation practice, a minimum of 30 minutes daily.

Study of Dharma books of your choosing or suggested by the teacher

Regular participation in meetings and events at our center, including attendance of at least one retreat per year.

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